
My name is Jananie and I’m known as thisstoryaintover on YouTube, where I’ve created content about books for over 5 years.

As a neurodivergent, queer woman of colour living with mental illness, I have struggled to see myself represented in books and media all my life. I believe that the stories we consume directly affect our worldview and our perception of ourselves. I hope to be part of the change that brings more diverse and rich stories to the world.

I named my channel “This Story Ain't Over” (styled thisstoryaintover) because of my strong belief that we are in a constant--and often messy-- process of growth and change. I hope that you’ll be excited to join me on this journey as we figure it out together.

Currently, I live in downtown Toronto and work my nine-to-five in marketing, when I’m not reading or creating content. 🙂


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